In the Zhytomyr region eliminated the fire wall of a private house

4 January at 14:15 in Service of rescue "101" was reported about ignition of the private trees’wooden houses in Ocheretyanka Sergei Chernyakhovsky district. The owners was not home. The fire was noticed by neighbors who called rescuers. To the place of call was sent to guard rescuers consisting of 5 people on the tanker. Fighters of gschs found that the back side of the building, with walls that goes from the metal pipe, the so-called “stove”. In one place the pipe was located close to the trees’wooden walls of the house. It is of high temperature metal and fire wood. 14:57 the fire was extinguished. The fire managed to destroy only 1.5 sq m of wall. The dead and injured there. Now experts are set amounts caused by fire damage and saved material values. In DSNs in Zhytomyr region

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