In the Ternopil region put out the fire,caused by short-circuit outlet
January 14 at 06:46 to the rescuers received a message about a fire in the village of Danilovka zborivsky district. It was established that the fire started around 06:30 in the morning in a business building. The call immediately went on duty guard of the 17th state fire and rescue unit and local fire brigade S. lake. At the time of arrival of firemen the fire area has made about 40 sq. m. Flame’I quickly spread around trees’the wooden structures, threatening to spread to other buildings nearby. Thanks to the professional actions of firefighters the fire element managed to curb: 07:50 the fire was localized, and at 08:22 – is completely eliminated. When extinguishing the fire saved the dwelling house, outbuildings and a garage, all material assets for the sum about 300 thousand hryvnias. At the scene of the dead and injured were not found. Probable cause of fire-short circuit electrical.Ïåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":