In Vinnytsia region for extortion of a bribe the militiaman will answer in court

the Vinnytsia oblast Prosecutor's office sent to court the indictment in criminal proceedings on suspicion of the Deputy chief of the investigations division of one of regional departments of the region, which is acting intentionally, with the aim of illicit enrichment, using the given power, made a demand to a citizen of the unlawful benefit in the amount of 5 thousand UAH for making the decision about closing of criminal proceedings. In the future, the official said that the agreed upon illegal profits should be passed through a funds transfer to a Bank card account. To fulfill these requirements, the person from whom the money was visagalis undertaken a recalculation of the funds in the amount of 3.5 thousand UAH on your card the Bank account of the official. Thus, the officer has committed a crime under part 3 St. 368 criminal code of Ukraine. About it reported in a press-service of Prosecutor's office of Vinnytsia region

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