In Hmelnitsky area the introduction of the new system of housing subsidies in terms of energy conservation
in Summer, people worried in anticipation of the heating season – how are we going to pay for heat at these prices? Now more than 5 million families received subsidies. The state has provided reliable and effective support to families who are unable to pay the high cost of services. The subsidy is calculated based on the volume of social norms of consumption, which is defined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 06.08.2014, ¹ 409 "On establishment of state social standards in the sphere of housing and communal services" regardless of the actually consumed volumes of natural gas and other utilities. Actual consumption of utilities the household is different from the norm, it can be more or less from social norms of consumption. No need to "burn out" the entire volume of natural gas, or waste use other utilities (cold water, electricity) that provided the subsidy. The amount of subsidy that the bodies of social protection of the population transfer the artists/producers and utility bills for payment of their value, which is not used by the household as a result of saving in the consumption of services can be considered as payment in future calculation periods. Reduced consumption of utility services does not in any way affect the size subside for the next heating period, because it is calculated solely on the basis of social norms of consumption. Information from the website of Saee This was reported in theÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":