Fifteen projects of public organizations of Vinnytsia oblast financed by the oblast budget last year
According to the Department of information activities and communications with the public administration in 2015 at the expense of means of the regional budget financed 15 civil society institutions, who won the contest to determine the programmes developed by public organizations and creative unions, for execution of which from the regional budget financial support in the total amount of UAH 350 000. Implemented the program throughout the year in five areas. In particular: cultural and educational activities, Patriotic education and local history work, assistance to vulnerable segments of the population, socio-economic development, environmental security, Patriotic education. For the first direction, cultural and educational activities, Patriotic education and the work of local history has won three of the project. This is a project of the public organization "Podilskyi folk University of Culture (PNOC)" - "Vinnytchyna is the path to the Culture. Folk culture for the defense of the Fatherland". The goal of the program is aimed at providing access of citizens of Vinnitsa regardless of age and place of residence to resources of human development and of communion with the eternal riches of folk culture, assisting in ritual, ethical and aesthetic living arrangements for the approval of these foundations of Culture. The second project "IX-th international film festival VNIISI" proposed Vinnitsa regional center of the International public organization "Vinnitsa club cheerful and resourceful". The programme aims to promote the creation of a positive and constructive perception of the modern world's youth. An introduction to the world of art and the creative process of the youth of the region and the country. The identification and promotion of best examples of Amateur and professional youth work in the genre of Comedy and parody movie. Development of volunteer movement and involvement of a wide range of students for Pro Bono work and meaningful rest. Establishing friendships and creative relationships with young people from other regions of the country and the world. The creation of the Vinnitsa region of the image of one of the cultural centers of the country. And the third project of Vinnytsia regional public organization "the Future of the country" - workshops for adolescents and young families in difficult life circumstances. The purpose of the program is to provide young people with the knowledge necessary for forming a visual identity thanks to foster healthy spiritual values. The second field is the assistance to socially unprotected layers of the population won 6 projects. Public organization "Vinnytsia regional Association of the citizens sick with diabetes mellitus "Blagovest" - the project of preparation for the European championship on Futsal among patients with diabetes mellitus "DEVRO-2015". The goal of the program is the development of physical culture and sports in Ukraine, attraction of young people who live with diabetes to sports; social adaptation of people with diabetes; strengthening the positive image of a healthy person in society. Vinnitsa oblast public organization "Vinnitsa Association of doctors" implemented the project "Hospice and palliative help to children of Vinnitsa". Main sweeps of the program is to attract the attention of society and authorities to the problem of palliative help to children in Vinnytsia through a set of activities which will be devoted to the world day of palliative care. Public organization "Vinnytsia regional Association of endocrinologists" implemented the project "Life with diabetes", the aim of which was to raise awareness of the disease among adults and children with diabetes. The establishment of internal family relations and reduce the risks of conflict, creating a positive climate for the development of children and laying the foundations for a long period of preservation of family ties between adoptive children and parents, foster parents, and biological children – is the goal of the project "Family art space: creating a positive environment for the preservation of family ties between adoptive children and parents, foster parents and biological children." This project implemented a Vinnytsia oblast civic organization "Territory mom". For the sake of creating favourable conditions for sustaining the lives of people with disabilities in society, the inclusion of people with disabilities into society, to prevent its isolation and segregation from the community and local community TH Association of protection and assistance "Open hearts" implemented the project "Training center for independent living for people with disabilities in society". Public organization "Association of Euroclubs of the region" implemented the project "Healthy future". The programme aims at conducting medical examination, and psychological assistance to children from families affected by military and political conflict in the South and East of Ukraine and were forced to leave their homes and settle in the territory of Vinnytsia region. The third direction - the socio-economic development in the region implemented three projects. Vinnytsia public organization of young people with disabilities "Harmony" project "Accessibility for all". The programme aims to disseminate information on accessibility issues and universal design principles to create an open and inclusive society for all, through awareness-raising activities. Vinnytsia city organization of social development and the formation of certain vulnerable categories of young people "Parostok" has realized the project "Path to a full life in the society of persons with disabilities and members of ATU". The main objective of the programme increase awareness of people with disabilities and participants of the ATO and members of their families regarding the rights to educational and social services, the employment of modern techniques of rehabilitation, the creation of a positive image of socially responsible business for the purpose of formation of a gender-equal society in the diocese of Vinnytsia. The project "decentralization of power – the journalistic support" implemented by Vinnytsia regional centre of the International public organization "Ukraine-Poland-Germany". The goal of this program is to support the practical coverage of the media in Vinnytsia region the process of decentralization and voluntary Association of territorial communities on the example of local governments of Vinnitsa region. 4 the direction of the Regional contest of ecological safety the victory was won and implemented a project of the regional society "Vinnitsa Cossack regiment named after Ivan Bohun" - separation of solid waste in educational institutions, public places, entrances of the condominium – project "Cotransformation". The programme aims at addressing the pressing issues of the ecological security in the settlements of the region and cleaning them of debris; parenting generation of Ukrainians, which will take for granted that household waste to separate and recycle; a dissemination programme on the whole territory of Ukraine. At last the fifth area of Patriotic education of their projects are public organizations. the program is "to Help the army to bring up the patriots" implemented by public organization "the Public initiative of Kostandina". The goal of the program is aimed at strengthening the national-Patriotic education of youth and the younger generation, including military-Patriotic education of the youth of the city of Koziatyn and Kozyatyn district by bringing to the aid of the military in the area of ATO. Public organization "Vinnytsia regional Cossack youth organization "Young Podilska Sich" held regional competition – festival of arts "Sure Svitavy". The purpose of the project is aimed at strengthening the national-Patriotic education of youth on the best examples of heroic history of the Cossacks of Ukraine, intensification of the youth of the Cossack movement in the region, enhance public attention to the history of the Cossacks, the Cossack realizing the potential of ideas for the consolidation of the Ukrainian society, as well as widely promoted among children and youth the best examples of artistic works Patriotic direction, revealing the path of the heroic national liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people to the period of the Cossack era, the twentieth and twenty-first century. This was reported in the Vinnytsia regional state administration.Ïåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":