In the Chernigov area rescuers liquidated a house fire

18 January at 14:42 in Service of rescue "101" in Novgorod-Seversky district received a report of a house fire in the village of Koman', which is located 7 kilometers from the district center. On the scene promptly arrived the office the 7th state fire and rescue unit composed of 1 pieces of equipment and 6 people of staff. At that time, the fire almost completely covered the roof of the house. Rescuers at 15:05, the fire was localized, and at 15:25 finally eliminated. Saved the house and the nearby farm buildings. The probable cause of the fire was the violation of the rules for design and operation of the heating furnace. The fire destroyed the roof and ceilings of homes throughout the area. In this regard, the rescuers are advised not to overheat the heating devices, to monitor the serviceability of furnaces and flues and not to leave them unattended or entrust them to look after them children. In DSNs in Chernihiv region

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