In the Lviv region, rescuers have collected mercury from a broken thermometer

18 January at 17:30 in Service of rescue "101" was reported that in Lviv on the street. Saharova, 24 in the apartment broke a mercury medical thermometer. Reported the accident to the mistress of the house, born in 1992. Specialists of the group of special work on radiation, chemical and biological protection Detachment technical services of the Department DSNS Ukraine in Lviv region mechanically gathered up the mercury, in the amount of 2 grams. Head Department gschs of Ukraine in the Lvov area advises when the spill of mercury to take the following measures: * print from premises all people, primarily children, disabled people and elderly people; * open wide open all Windows in the premises; * insulate most people from the contaminated room, densely close all doors; * protect respiratory organs at least a damp gauze bandage; * immediately begin to collect the mercury: collect a syringe large balls and immediately drop them in a glass jar with solution (2 g potassium permanganate in 1 liter of water), smaller balls collect brush on the paper and also fold in a jar. Close the jar tightly with a lid; * use vacuum cleaner to collect mercury – is prohibited; * clean soiled areas with soap-soda solution (400 grams of soap and 500 grams of soda ash per 10 liters of water); * close the room after treatment so that there is no communication with other rooms and ventilate it; * clean and wash strong, almost black solution of potassium permanganate soles shoes if you stepped on mercury. When it comes to the spill over of significant quantities of mercury, you should implement all the warnings about safety, and immediately call specialists emergency "101".

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