Editors of Newspapers and utilities of Chernihiv discussed the "15 steps to freedom"
In Chernihiv on 20 January took place the working meeting of editors of municipal Newspapers – participants of the Association of regional media on the implementation of the law of Ukraine "On reforming state and communal printed media". Alexander Nazarenko, Maine editor of the district newspaper "Our word" and the Chairman of the Association of regional media and the newly formed Association of the local press, presented to editors a road map to reforming state and community Newspapers, developed jointly with the National Union of journalists of Ukraine. In the document, symbolically called "15 steps to freedom!", itemized schedule of all stages and steps to implement the media, their founders and Central authorities. By 31 March, the teams of editors should hold a meeting and decide on the method and stage of reform (mass media – participants of the first stage will become private later this year, the second — 2019). Not later than may 1 of their co — sponsors- local councils and state administration will have to make a decision on the reorganization of the Newspapers in connection with the proposals of the editorial. The Director of the Department of information activities and communications with the public regional administration Andrey Undermined wish the editors success in the future reform, but warned that this process can be difficult and resent it on the ground a lot of controversy. However, according to him, regional and district state administrations will do everything in their power to make the provisions of the law were complied with in full. "To argue on the policy of privatization of mass media and ways of reform, until the law"On reforming state and communal printed mass media] has not yet been signed. Now, after the signature of the President, the task of officials is to implement it", — said Andrei Undermined. In the course of the survey, conducted by Alexander Nazarenko, ten editors reported that their amended plan to participate in the first stage of the reform. The participants of the meeting discussed the details of the road map and pitfalls that can happen during its implementation. Most of all fears the media cause possible attempts of local councils to deliver Newspapers premises or assign loyal to his editors before the reform. Such attempts have already been recorded in some areas. To protect the wording from such threats, the regional media Association intends to conclude with the lawyers of the Chernihiv agreement on legal assistance in the reform of Newspapers. According to the website of the regional state administrationÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê": translate.yandex.ru.
Source: http://uzinform.com.ua/