In the Volynsk area behaviour rules on ice and first aid to the victim
Basic rules of behavior on the ice: 1) When crossing frozen pond, you need to use the equipped ice crossings or paved trails. 2) the ice Strength check with a thick stick (sixth), hitting it (2-3 times in the same place) as far as possible from themselves. It is strictly forbidden to test the strength of the ice blows of the feet. 3) Dangerous places on the ice, usually darker, dangerous muddy, little transparent and white ice. 4) better to Cross the group, keeping a distance from each other of 5 to 6 metres. 5) to Use the venues for ice skating is permitted only after thorough verification of the strength of the ice. Ice thickness should not be less than 12 cm, and in mass Catania not less than 25 cm. 6) Skiers before going on the ice, it is recommended to remove loops of ski poles with the hands and the strap of a backpack with one shoulder and also unbuckle the skis. These preparations will ensure freedom of movement in case of unexpected failure of the ice. During the movement of the skier going first, the blows of sticks checks the strength of the ice and control his condition. 7) If the ice is not strong enough, you should stop moving and go back your tracks (where the ice strength is already checked). Do not panic, do not run. What if you fell into the icy water: - you must remain calm, not to panic and not make a fuss. - need to shout for assistance; - to delete only from the clothes that you are drawn down. In any case, try to leave on a hat, your head should be protected as much as possible, even if wet, and a hat; - don't try to get out on the ice. Rise to the surface at the site of the failure and take the water in a horizontal position by pushing your legs back, not to the body is not folded over itself under the ice. Beware of sharp ice; - to get out on the ice you need with the side on which you failed; - don't try to get out on the ice only with the help of hands; - stretch your hands on the edges of the ice, not to plunge headlong; - if possible, move to the edge of the hole, where the flow will not sweep you under the ice; please adapt and try to move the whole body on the ice, or carefully put one foot and then the other; - getting out of the hole you need to roll or crawl away from her at a safe distance; when you got to shore, remove all the clothes, wring the maximum underwear, wipe them again, wring it out and put it on the body. Maximally protect your head and wear something on your feet. After that, put on garments, even frozen, and do warming exercises, do not allow yourself to fall asleep. If your eyes have failed people: - immediately yell to him that I was going to help, if possible, attract the attention of other people and call "101"; - closer to the polynya should crawling, outstretched hands, it would be better if you put the skis, a sheet of plywood, a Board, any flat solid object to increase the area of support and crawl in it. - no creeping to the edge of the hole, to pull the victim with a rope, belt, scarf, some parusno boards or poles. To throw the victim must be 3-4 meters from the edge of the hole; - if you are not one, we took each other's legs, lay on the ice in the chain and move to the break; - act decisively and soon, the victim quickly klakne in the icy water, soaked clothes pulling him down; - submitting affected improvised means, get him on the ice and crawling to move from the danger zone; - if possible, the victim quickly change his cloth, arrange heated back and chest, make the massage of the limbs; - the victim must be immediately taken to a warm room (heated tent or cabin car), to render first aid required for supercooling, and to call an ambulance; - the victim in any case do not let alcohol "keep warm". Alcohol in this case provokes a sharp uncontrollable internal temperature of the body. UDSNS Ukraine in the Volyn regionПереведено сервисом "Яндекс.Переводчик":