In Volyn oblast, a village head was caught receiving improper benefits

the Prosecutor's office of Volyn region together with employees of the SBU and investigation Department of the main Directorate of the National police in Volyn region exposed yesterday with extortion undue advantage in the form of material values for total amount of UAH 85 thousand. one of the chairmen of the rural area. The official demanded such "gratitude" from a citizen for assistance in donation to the private ownership of land. The elect community of the same day are detained as article 208 Criminal procedure code of Ukraine. Now the question is about the communication of the suspicion, restraint and removal from office. Officer faces punishment for committing a serious crime under part 3 St. 368 Criminal code of Ukraine, in the form of imprisonment for the term from 5 till 10 years with deprivation of the right to occupy relevant positions and activities for up to three years, with confiscation of property and with special confiscation. The press service of the regional Prosecutor's office

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