Address of the management area to Vinnytsia community on the occasion of honoring the victims of the Holocaust

Dear compatriots! On 27 January the world community commemorates the victims of the Holocaust . The Holocaust is one of the most notorious pages in the history of humanity the twentieth century. This is a targeted mass extermination by the Nazis in the years 1933-1945 the Jewish people, Slav?Jan, Gypsies, physically and mentally disabled persons. During this period, the national socialists were exterminated about six million Jews, most of whom died during the Second World war in Germany and in the occupied territories of other countries of Europe against torture in the ghetto and concentration camps. Only through the death camp Auschwitz-Birkenau in the Polish town of Oswiecim, according to the documents of the Nuremberg Tribunal, it took 2.5 million people, the vast majority of whom were martyred. Thanks to the troops of the First Ukrainian front on 27 January 1945 liberated concentration camp prisoners who managed to escape the gas chambers and crematoria. In honor of this event the General Assembly of the United Nations established the international day of remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust. For Ukrainians is a horrible symbol of the Holocaust became Babiy Yar — the place of execution of over 150 thousand Jews and people of different nationalities. Unfortunately, the Holocaust was not spared the Vinnitsa region. During the German-Romanian occupation of the region was created about 150 ghettos and labor camps. During the years of occupation in the region has killed about 200 thousand Jews. The memory of the innocent victims on grounds of ethnic, racial, religious affiliation demonstrates the international community's resolve never to allow repetition of the terrible crimes caused by xenophobia, racism, totalitarian ideologies. In unity with the free world, Ukraine will uphold the highest social values to peace and harmony based on mutual understanding always prevailed on our Ukrainian land. The Chairman of the regional public administration Cow Valery the Chairman of the regional Council Anatoliy Oliynyk This was reported in the Vinnytsia regional state administration

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