In the Zhytomyr region, rescuers teach people in rural areas the rules of life safety
for the purpose of preventing fires and the deaths and injuries of people on 11 February, the rescuers Chernyagina conducted preventive testing Cherniakhiv village Council village Chernyahov. This year in Chernyakhovsk area on fire in private residential house of the killed man, born in 1952. The probable cause of the accident was Smoking in bed. So the checking began to take place in homes of families that call attention. In this category were families with many children’families, lonely pensioners, disadvantaged persons. In RAID, the team visited about 40 families. C’it turned out that they question fire safety of the premises are not in the first place. Sorry, but the problem issues from year to year remain the same: cracks in Kam’village masonry stove heating, no fire-cutting in places the passage of the chimney through the trees’wooden ceiling construction and sheet metal near furnace vents, storage of combustible materials close to the furnace, and the like. Rescuers held with the population on observance of fire safety rules and handed pam’trays with warning information. A similar event was held this week in Bruchacova village Pervomaysky district. In addition to fire safety by rescuers brought to the citizens information on the algorithm of actions at detection of suspicious objects of unknown. Dear residents of Zhytomyr! Rescuers once again remind about necessity of observance of rules of safety. After systematically fulfilling the basic rules of fire safety, You save not only your life, and possibly life and health’I others. In DSNs in Zhytomyr regionÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":