In the Lvov area prevented fire burning 3 garages

on February 11 at 18:24 in Service of rescue "101" came the message about the fire garage in the city of Lviv on the street. Brick house, 7. The fire spread from the outside to the garage and spread to two adjacent garages. The area of the fire amounted to 16 sq. m. Firefighters quickly eliminated the fire and rescued from the combustion of 3 garages. The fire was liquidated at 18:48. The fire destroyed the vehicle “ZAZ", household goods on the area of 16 sq. m and damaged the walls of two neighboring garages on the area of 25 sq. m. To eliminate the fire attracted 27 rescuers and 4 units of special equipment. As a result of incident nobody has suffered. The reason of ignition is established.

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