In Vinnitsa region rescuers conducted practical exercises on suppression of a conditional fire on chemically hazardous enterprise (photo)
Recently with the aim to verify the readiness of guard duty on the street. Danylo Nechay, on-site pumping station of the third lifting rescuers conducted practical exercises on liquidation of a conditional fire on chemically-dangerous enterprises. According to a tactical plan of doctrines, in the pump-room fire, and the fire spread over an area of 70 square meters. Fighters of gschs on four maintenance vehicles quickly arrived on the scene. In suits of chemical protection and in the apparatus of respiratory protection rescuers scouted the room. In parallel, the firefighters conducted a fire attack. Thanks to harmonious actions of rescuers of the conditional fire was liquidated quickly and prevented the fire from spreading outside of the fire. The teachings attracted 20 people of staff. At the conclusion of the management of GU gschs, the exercise was a "good" rating. Delivered operational and tactical objectives were met consistently and efficiently. This was reported in the Vinnytsia regional state administrationÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":