In school prohibition of forced collection of funds from parents

Department of education and science of Ternopil city Council recalls that 2015 is in effect an order “banning haphazard and uncontrolled collection of funds from parents". Because the office receives phone messages and written requests of parents regarding forced collection of funds in individual schools for various activities, purchase of furniture, depositing charitable funds and misuse of parental contributions. "the Existence of such facts testifies to the decline of personal responsibility of heads of educational institutions, lack of control over the activities of teachers. Low awareness among parents about the effectiveness and transparency of use of funds creates the preconditions for the emergence of negative phenomena in the educational system, creates a negative public perception regarding financial abuses and corruption in educational institutions", - stated in the order. According to the order, is forbidden to carry out any forcible collection of funds in the form of charitable contributions, Zobov’associated teaching staff to inform the head of the institution-raising in classes (groups), regardless on whose initiative it is carried out systematically report to parents and educators about the use of charity and sponsorship funds. This was reported in the Ternopil city Council

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