In Chernihiv honored participants of battle actions on territory of other States

In Chernihiv on February 15, the ceremony of flower-laying and rally to mark the 27th anniversary of withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and the Day of honoring participants of battle actions on territory of other States. Traditionally, the event was a mass, was attended by about 500 of Chernigov – veterans of the Afghan war, former soldiers, peacekeepers, their families. The event was held near the monument to soldiers-internationalists, set in a green area on the Avenue of the World. With a salutatory word to participants of hostilities and the audience addressed the leaders of the city and region: the Chairman of regional state administration Valeriy Kulich, the Chairman of regional Council Igor Vdovenko, Chernihiv city Chairman Vladislav Atroshenko, the Chairman of the Chernihiv city organization of veterans of Afghanistan Nikolay Sagittarius, Chernihiv regional Department of Ukrainian Union of veterans of Afghanistan Stanislav Vikhrov, Chairman of the Committee of bereaved families of servicemen in Afghanistan Larissa said and the authorized representative of the State service for veterans of war and participants of anti-terrorist operation albert Ceresco. Speakers expressed deep respect to all the soldiers-internationalists, thanked for the active participation of their military brotherhood – the Union of Afghanistan veterans in public life, Patriotic education of youth. It was particularly noted that Afghan soldiers were the first in the Armed Forces of Ukraine on protection of independence of our state in the East. Those present observed a minute of silence honored the memory of their dead soldiers and in peacetime comrades, laid flowers to the monument. The Department of public relations of city Council

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