From the beginning, local communities of Vinnytsia region got UAH 569 million. tax payments (+photo)
From the beginning of year local budgets of Vinnitsa region was paid more 569,2 million UAH. taxes, duties and other mandatory payments. About this informed the head of DFS in Vinnitsa region Ruslan Osmolovsky during a briefing for representatives of local media. According to him, the income of local communities increased by 55.6 per cent and the excess against January-February 2015 amounted to RUR 203.3 million UAH. In addition, the head of the service of the region reported that more than 88.6 percent of local revenues form three payments: the tax to incomes of physical persons and unified tax payment for land. Most joined the local Treasury, the tax to incomes of physical persons. Him for two months of the reporting year received more than 305,7 million UAH. instead of the projected 234,3 mln. The simplified tax system paid nearly UAH 116.8 mn. a single tax. From payments for land the budget of the region received about 82 mln. Ruslan Osmolovsky noted that the level of filling of the local budget largely depends on local samourais. Because deputies can set the maximum rates defined by the Tax code of Ukraine, or to determine the level of benefits or categories of citizens who will pay taxes and fees at all. GU DFS in Vinnitsa region This was reported in the Vinnytsia regional state administrationПереведено сервисом "Яндекс.Переводчик":