More than 20% of the residents of Vinnytsia region receives grant (photo)

currently, the subsidy covered 20,71% of residents of Vinnytsia region. This was during weekly meeting the Director of the Department of social policy and youth of the regional state administration Natalia Zabolotna. "In connection with introduction in action of regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers "On improvement of the procedure for granting housing subsidies" the number of families assigned housing subsidies increased by 238 thousand families as compared with last year. Accordingly, the amount of accruals during the year from 73 million USD. rose to 954,1 million UAH. If we analyze the status of appointment of housing subsidies in proportion to the population in Ukraine, in Vinnytsya region it is 20,71%, with the total figure for Ukraine of 12.2%. This figure has several components: the first is the superhuman efforts of employees of bodies of social protection on the ground that worked on minimum gap between intake of documents and their purpose. Secondly is the shadow employment and low wages,” said Natalia Zabolotna. This was reported in the Vinnytsia regional state administration

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