In the Zhytomyr region, rescuers conducted awareness-raising activities in the residential sector

From the beginning of the year, the division of Management DSNS in the area more than 350 times left on elimination of fires in the residential sector, in which 24 people were killed. The purpose of the prevention of emergencies in the home, March 23, rescuers together with representatives of regional newspaper «Ruzhinskaya earth” held a fire - preventive working off of the residential sector Movchanuk village Council Ruzhinskaya district. Experts of gschs during preventive RAID came to apartments and private homes to see what conditions cause fires, and most importantly to warn residents about possible dangers. All who came to the rescue, more than 150 farmers, it was rose’explained the rules of fire safety in the home, observance of fire safety rules when handling with stove heating, electric heating and gas appliances. Talked with a population of employees of gschs with special pam’trays, where shown, how to behave during a fire and what to do to prevent cases of emergencies. During the testing carried out was rose’annual conversations with students Movchanuk secondary schools and preschool educational institutions "Dyvohray". Children received theoretical knowledge and skills of rescuers checked in practice, organizing the evacuation of the school. In turn, pupils “Disagree" employees of gschs in the form of a game told the rules of safe behavior at home and on the street, the causes of emergencies, their avoidance and action in the face of danger. On the same day such preventive RAID was conducted on the territory Smurfs village Council of Zhytomyr region. Rescuers together with representatives of the authorities was attended by over 70 villagers Praew, Singury, Volytsya and the Palace, During the visit of each host were given reminders of safety. Special attention was paid large seven’nm, single pensioners, unreliable individuals. Long-term practice shows that due to regular holding of such events, the number of fires in the residential sector is significantly reduced. In DSNs in Zhytomyr region

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