Vinnicchina: the order "For courage" III degrees awarded the deceased soldier with Nemirni ATO (photo)

In hard times of war, our patriots have to protect the borders and sovereignty of Ukraine, and, unfortunately, not all returned home alive. So, our fellow soldier Ruslan Hare, who served in the ATO area, having gone as a volunteer, died may 19, 2015 while driving BRDM (hit a mine). By the decree of the President of Ukraine Ruslan Hare was posthumously awarded the order "For courage" . degrees. A commemorative sign and a certificate to him to the parents of the hero bruceville district administration Yuri Pogorely: "We thank you for your son, a patriot. Unfortunately, the war took him. Would to God that our guys didn't die!". The parents of the deceased kovalan Nikolai and Lyudmila Borisovna expect from the zone ATO another son, Sergey, he is in one of the assault brigades for almost 9 months. Relatives prays that he returned home alive and healthy, like all other sons of our country, and to end as soon as possible the hell on the East of the state. After a few months it will be the anniversary after the tragic death of Ruslana Hare. The Kingdom of heaven to him and all the fallen on the battlefield. This was reported in the Vinnytsia regional state administration

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