In the Chernigov area for firefighters eliminated 3 fire,reasons of which was the carelessness of citizens in dealing with fire
In Chernihiv region for last days divisions of Management of gschs in the area eliminated 2 fire in the residential sector and 1 fire in natural ecological systems. 07 April to 12:59 in Service of rescue "101" in Sosnytsya district received a message about a fire bishopdante of the building. To a scene there arrived the office of the 10th state fire and rescue unit consisting of 4 personnel and one piece of special equipment. Thanks to prompt actions of firefighters the fire at 13:10 localized, and at 13:55 finally eliminated. The same day rescuers fire and rescue unit rescue squad of special forces in Chernihiv at 17:45 liquidated a fire in the outbuildings along the lane.Thunder. And Koryukivka district firefighters liquidated ignition 0.5 ha of dry grass in the open territory. The cause of these fires was caused by the carelessness of citizens in dealing with fire. In connection’connection with this, rescuers SSES of Ukraine urged residents and tourists to be careful and cautious. Pam’remember, Unliquidated thrown a match or cigarette butt in the forest areas near peat bogs, in open areas can lead to unpredictable consequences. Management DSNS in Chernihiv regionÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":