In the Rivne region rescuers took part in the meeting of residents of the village Council
07 April in Kamensky rural Rada of Rokytnivskyi district held a gathering of its inhabitants, which invited the district leadership and employees of Rokytnivskyi district sector PG DSNs Ukraine in Rivne region. The chief inspector of the district sector the major of service of civil protection Oleg Kovalevich was highlighted a number of pressing issues, namely the activities on ensuring of counteraction to mass fires in forests, peatlands and agricultural lands in the fire season. Also acutely raised the question of acquisition by the population of the fire truck and opening the local fire brigade. On the territory of Kamensky rural Council with a population of almost 2000 people and there are three villages of Stone, Absic and Booth-Kamensk. All three settlements bordering with the Republic of Belarus. Also on the reserve lands of the village Council large reserves of peat, which almost every year is lit, and the village Council is located from the district center at a distance of 65 kilometers.Residents of Kamenka village Council who attended the village meeting, unanimously adopted a decision to purchase the fire truck. The Rokytnivskyi district sector PG DSNS Ukraine in Rivne regionПереведено сервисом "Яндекс.Переводчик":