Terrenate Lutsk zoo celebrated the first birthday of

Sunday 10 April to Lutsk zoo converge both adults and children. As noted by the Director of the enterprise Ludmila Denisenko, celebrating birthdays of animals is a common practice in tokotoko world. Quite often these festivals sorgentone in the leading zoos of Ukraine. And luck is just starting this tradition. And here are the first nouns were the cubs, who in April was a year old. On fun activities, active participation in the private program adopted: creative Agency "Art Project", event Agency "Ball-Bubble Lutsk Holiday to order", Studio Face art face Painting "Joy". Therefore, children and adults invited, and bubble show, drawing competition on asphalt, and outdoor games, quizzes and intellectual. And wanting to have a person "under the tiger" actually gathered so many that mistress Elena Sandaluk worked without rest for several hours. Also sponsoring the event was the company "Tigres”. Here manikam cooked and delicious gift, and balls for games. Packaging gift adults helped the children, who painted the box and wrote their congratulations and wishes. Zoo workers brought these gifts in the summer aviary cubs, where already the hero of the feast in front of their guests trying to get to the contents of the packages. This, incidentally, has caused all of our most sincere emotions! In addition, the employee “Tigresa” also joined the entertainment program. The winners were awarded prizes with symbols of the Corporation. The municipal enterprise “Lutsk zoo” I am sincerely grateful to everyone for their understanding and support. Start such actions, as birthdays of our children, was successful. So stay tuned for further announcements. Together we will make our zoo the most comfortable place of recreation to all Lutsk citizens and guests of the city. The municipal enterprise “Lutsk zoo” This was reported in Lutsk city Council

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Source: http://uzinform.com.ua/