In the Rivne region, on the eve of Easter rescuers conduct briefings with the clergy
Approaching one of the greatest Christian holidays-Easter. On this day, the citizens EN masse will visit places of worship. So the holiday passed without any unpleasant incident, on 11 April, the staff of the Dubno district sector and 5-th state fire and rescue unit of GU gschs of Ukraine in Rivne region held a working out of churches, cathedrals and other structures on the territory of the city of Dubno, where will services be held. To the abbots and staff of the cult institutions rescuers held a briefing, during which recalled the basic rules of fire safety and procedure in the event of a fire. Each cleric firefighters explained in detail the sequence of actions when using primary fire extinguishing means, and issued warning leaflets to designated fire safety rules for employees of religious institutions. PG DSNS Ukraine in Rivne regionÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":