Chernivtsi: schools of the city of Khotyn and Zastavnivsky learned from the German experience in the implementation of school companies
Regular seminars for students and teachers of educational institutions Khotyn school ¹1 and Gorochovskaya educational complex Zastavish district was held in the framework of the project of Ukrainian-German international cooperation GIZ "energy Efficiency in communities" on the basis of the dialogue platform. During events highlighted the issues regarding gender in the implementation of school companies for implementation of energy efficiency. The workshop participants had the opportunity to learn from the experiences of the school to promote energy efficiency in Chernivtsi aimed at boosting school youth, formation of consciousness of economical use of energy resources in schoolchildren. In the framework of the events the participants had the opportunity to explore the premises according to the principles of energy conservation; for the seminar participants were shown examples of energy conservation. Presentations, lectures, answers to questions, helpful and practical advice on energy saving, survey during the workshop were intended to shape the personal attitude of students to save energy in order to combat climate change. The survey results showed that workshop participants believe it is necessary to make efficient use of energy, to abide by the rules that promote conservation, to enhance their knowledge with new facts about energy efficiency and apply them in life, to share knowledge on energy conservation with others, family members, contribute to the education of careful attitude to natural resources., and deem introduction the school of the company energy efficiency in their schools. Reference: The school company for energy efficiency in the city of Chernivtsi was carried out in the framework of GIZ project "energy Efficiency in communities" in two strategic directions. First – an overview of the technical components of city schools and the provision of technical assistance to conduct in these places of power audit and implementation of energy management systems. Second – extensive outreach activities on energy efficiency, both among the teachers and among students, formation of creative approach of students to solving problems of energy saving. The project was initiated with the September 18, 2014 at 10 pilot schools – school ¹22, secondary school ¹ 24 and school ¹ 27, school ¹ 3, school ¹ 6, school ¹ 11, school ¹ 28, school ¹ 1, gymnasium ¹ 1, gymnasium ¹7, Lyceum ¹4. As part of a school project consultants for the implementation of educational projects in the field of energy saving in Germany shared their experience of implementing energy efficiency measures in German schools. The pupils conducted research of consumption of energy resources in educational institutions, examined the accounting procedures and the cost of energy consumption, was carried out verification of energy consumption by technical means, which are used in the educational process in the on state and in the mode "stand by", monitored the temperature in classrooms with the help of special devices. Began a good tradition to hold extracurricular lessons on energy conservation, energy efficiency, use of alternative fuels and sources of energy; various competitions, addressing issues of energy saving and efficiency in the process of teaching physics, chemistry, geography and nature study. Thanks to systematic work of collectives of educational institutions towards the implementation of energy efficient measures and by raising awareness has been achieved positive results in the dynamics of energy consumption of secondary educational institutions, participants of the project. The average electricity consumption in these facilities decreased by 10%, the use of water and sanitation has decreased by more than 20% and thermal energy – 17%. This was reported in the Chernivtsi city CouncilÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":