The delegation of Lutsk city Council participated in the international conference “the Decentralization of power — contemporary challenges and opportunities”

21-22 April in the city of Lviv will host the German-Ukrainian partnership conference “Decentralization of power — contemporary challenges and opportunities”. The event takes a delegation consisting of first Deputy mayor Taras Yakovlev, head of Department of international cooperation and project activities Vera Kudryavtseva, chief specialist of the international cooperation and project activities Irina Kulesha, coordinator of the cooperation of the city of Lutsk and Lippe region (Germany) Oleksandr Mishchuk. The conference is organized by the Hanns Seidel Foundation, the German society for international cooperation (GIZ), “Global Engagement”/ service “of the City in one world” (SKEW), Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ukraine. The conference is supported by the Federal Ministry for economic cooperation and development of Germany. The aim of the event is to discuss current challenges in the context of decentralization of power in Ukraine and the first results of the process of unification of territorial communities. Participation in the international conference shall take about 150 representatives from Ukraine and Germany. This was reported in Lutsk city Council

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