In the Rivne region rescuers came to visit the pupils of secondary school
may 11, Dubno district employees of sector of GU DSNS of Ukraine in the Rovno came to visit a comprehensive school of 1-3 steps Privolnoye village, Dubno district. During the event, students were acquainted with the fire engine and equipment that is in it, the uniforms of the personnel on duty of the guard. Each child had the opportunity to try on firefighter gear and sit behind the wheel of a car. Also during training events, the rescuers told children about the basic rules of fire safety and life safety in the home and taught how to behave during your stay in the woods and near water. Upon completion of the event, the children were handing out leaflets with the rules of fire safety in the home and procedures in case of fire, safety on the water about’objects in the forest. Rescuers believe that such excursions allow to expand representations of kids about the work of the staff of the state service for emergency situations to foster respect and interest in the profession of the rescuer. However, during such communication, the children consolidate their knowledge on the basics of safe living and learning how to act in different emergency situations. GU DSNS of Ukraine in Rivne regionÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":