Tourist season - 2016 in luck open

At the initiative of the office of tourism and promotion of the city of Lutsk city Council hosted the official opening of the tourist season in 2016. This year such event in our city is already the fifth time. Each time the organizers come up with new poses and action to interest potential tourists, to lift the veil of mystery from the history of luck or the Ancient Luceska. Was no exception and this year, in fact hosted a number of cultural and educational activities aimed at organization of leisure of city residents, city visitors and promotion of historic, tourist, artistic and cultural potential of our city. Participation in events on the occasion of the opening of the tourist season took Lutsk city mayor Mykola Romaniuk, Deputy Sergey Grigorenko, head of tourism and city promotion Natalia Bunda. So, this year guests of the festival were fascinating walk through the Old town. The event started at brothers bridge, where Lucian and visitors to the city expected a charming girl-bourgeois Oxine. All attendees had the opportunity to travel in times of Magdeburg of luck the first half of the seventeenth century. Oksana told how the city was developed in those days. Participants had the opportunity to see the then glorious burghers of Lutsk, and also inadvertently to eavesdrop on their conversation about city business. Also during the walk the participants had the opportunity to learn how was born the idea of building the Church of the exaltation of the Holy cross and the Brotherhood of Mercy. Visited the Market square, which in those days was the center of life of the city, because there was an important administrative and cultural buildings, were town events. Called for are present on the territory of the former Monastery of the Dominicans. The participants learnt walking and when the city laid the cornerstone of the Cathedral of the Holy apostles Peter and Paul. Also at the opening of the tourist season at the Castle square hosted the opening the information table for the Congress of European monarchs”. Now all the visitors of Lutsk castle will be able to take pictures on the background of the crown Prince Vitovt and the symbol and guardian of our city — Lutsk whooping. And the whooping from the walls of the castle, as in the old days, announced the opening of the tourist season and played the tune of “Volyn mine.” Lutsk city mayor Mykola Romaniuk said that officially opened the tourist season. According to him, these measures attempt to attract the attention of tourists to our city. He noted that in luck there are a lot of interesting, you should come and see. In his opinion, certainly, and many residents don't know about the history of different buildings and the events that raged in luck. Also Mykola Romaniuk said that the pride of the city of Lutsk castle opened an information table, which will allow tourists to learn more about the history of the region and make a photo in the crown Prince Vitovt against the background of the lock on the memory. In conclusion the mayor thanked all the organizers and participants of the event, the guests who come to learn a little more about the mysteries of the ancient Lutsk. This was reported in Lutsk city Council

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