For interference of Vladimir-Volyn local Prosecutor's office in the property of Commons returned to the land value of 186 thousand UAH
the Bodies of regional Prosecutor's office take measures for transfer of ownership of community land, which are not the owner. So, Gorokhovskiy district court decision until it is satisfied before two'done by the head of the Vladimir-Volyn local Prosecutor's office in interests of the state Declaration of acceptance of inheritance – land shares (stakes) area of 4.8 conditional cadastral hectares, worth 186 thousand UAH. – escheat. The land plots transferred into ownership of territorial communities of village Council Kwasowski Gorokhovskiy district. These statements of claim filed by the Prosecutor's office to protect the interests of the state, because land is the fundamental national wealth. As a result of the failure by local authorities measures for recognition have not been claimed land shares (shares) ownerless property, the latter are deprived of the opportunity to dispose of land, the owners of which died, including to allocate them in the prescribed manner to citizens (including participants ATO) in the ownership or use, and also creates the threat of the possible use of these sites by third parties without paying the proper fees. Note that starting in 2016, Vladimir-Volyn local Prosecutor's office before'revealed in court 12 cases in the sphere of land relations totaling 917 thousand USD. courts granted 12 claims of this category in thousand USD 2599. The press service of the Prosecutor's office of areaÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":