Approved a Comprehensive programme of support for the military who were called up for military service mobilization,members of their families as well as families of killed (dead) servicemen-residents of the city of Lutsk

the Purpose of the Program is to provide comprehensive assistance to servicemen called up for military service mobilization, which protect the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, members of their families as well as families of killed (dead) servicemen, raising awareness on issues of social support of this category of the population, improving the efficiency of interaction of local governments and public authorities with public organizations and other legal entities in the sphere of support of servicemen enlisted for military service on mobilization, members of their families as well as families of killed (dead) servicemen, who are registered in Lutsk”. Reported on this matter the Director of the Department of social policy Larisa Boyar. The discussion was attended by deputies Alexander Kravchenko, Pavlo danilchuk, Maya Shostak, Gregory Pustovit Igor Polishchuk. Deputies encountered certain issues and additions, in particular, relate to those soldiers who were called from the city of Lutsk, and from the area. City mayor Mykola Romaniuk said that the Program also provides assistance to those members who have prizhivalos from another district, but the family lives or has lived in Lutsk (at the time of occurrence of the circumstances). The decision was supported by most MPs, with the amendment of some paragraphs of the draft. This was reported in Lutsk city Council

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