Sergey Mashkovsky about contract army: It is our shared responsibility to

a Meeting on support of the armed forces by contract servicemen and conscripts held on 29 June, the Chairman of regional state administration Sergey Mashkovsky with the participation of Deputy Chairman of regional state administration Yaroslav Laguta, chairmen of RGA and the military commissioners of the region. Chairman of the Zhytomyr regional state administration notes that further development of the Ukrainian troops should occur primarily on a contract basis. "We must use all resources and reserves to ensure picking a contract army",– said Sergey Mashkovsky at the meeting with heads of RSA and the military commissioners. For two quarters of 2016, more than 1,200 soldiers have signed a contract with the Armed forces of Ukraine. Regarding military service, now to military units sent 556 recruits from the planned 704. "patriotism is manifested in the fulfillment of government tasks, in particular, in the formation of a professional contract army. It is our shared responsibility", – appealed to the chairmen of RGA Sergey Mashkovsky. This was reported in the Zhytomyr regional state administration

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