In the Volyn oblast Prosecutor's office revealed violations of the rights of citizens in the temporary detention center
Lutsk local Prosecutor's office checked the compliance status of legislation on the protection of the constitutional rights of detainees, prisoners’detainees and convicts to health and material living conditions during their detention in the remand prison ¹1 of the Main Directorate of the National police in the area. Check a number of violations of citizens ' rights, which require immediate elimination. So, it is revealed violations of fire laws that create danger to life and health’Yoo as held within 6 months of 2016 in the infirmary contained 265 people) and staff of the IVS. Failure to take urgent measures on elimination of these violations may be grounds for termination of the work of the institution. The results of studies conducted by specialists of the Lutsk city Department of laboratory studies of the Volyn regional laboratory center gossanepidsluzhby Ukraine, it is established that in individual cells of the isolator does not meet the requirements artificial lighting, ventilation and relative humidity. Also, the administration of the institution violates the requirements of the regime of isolation of the IVS. By results of check the head of the Lutsk local Prosecutor's office made the indication of interim’ligament of head of state of NP in the field with the requirement immediately to take measures to eliminate detected violations and to bring to a disciplinary responsibility of officials for their approval. The press service of the Prosecutor's office of areaÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":