In the Rivne region rescuers trained to put out a conditional fire in the building of the district hospital

14 July the staff of the 11 th state fire and rescue unit conducted special tactical exercises on liquidation of a conditional fire and rescue operations in the children's Department Volodymyretsky Central district hospital. On call administration about’object on a scene there arrived rescuers in the composition of the guard on duty on a fire truck. During investigation it was established that the fire originated in one of the rooms on the 1st floor on an area of almost 50 square meters, the energy supply of a building suspended evacuated staff nurses and patients, but building it is possible to find one person in a smoky environment. The structure of a link of gas and smoke protective service rescuers quickly found the building injured, and brought him to fresh air. At the same time, setting fire tanker fire pond, fire filed for fire extinguishing water barrel. Thanks to accurate and harmonious actions of the personnel on duty of the guard employees of gschs, the victim was rescued, and the simulated fire was successfully eliminated. During rescue exercises conducted a study on operational-tactical characteristics of the building of children's branch of regional hospital that features outdoor fire water and fire safety for about’object. After that, the staff of civil service on emergency situations held for medical staff practical training on the actions in the event of a fire and demonstrated how to use powder fire extinguisher. “Prevention of fire and technogenic safety in health institutions,’I is one of the important components of work of employees of service of rescue. After all, every day on these about’objects there are tens and hundreds of people. The complexity of emergency response, including fire fighting on such about’objects may lie in improper evacuation of people, which can create panic, as well as large quantities of flammable materials, electrical devices and dangerous drugs that are composed of compounds, which by evaporation can form a dangerous gas concentrations that cause severe poisoning of respiratory organs. At SV’connection with this, rescuers are regularly organized this type of teaching, to develop teamwork between the medical staff and the personnel of the fire and rescue unit to evacuate people, property and liquidation of emergency situations and fire fighting», - said at the completion of the exercises head of the district Volodymyrets sector of GU DSNS of Ukraine in Rivne region Andrey Murawiec. Volodymyrets RS GU DSNS of Ukraine in Rivne region

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