In Vinnytsia region from the regional budget allocated 200 thousand UAH for the purchase of vaccines against rabies (photo)

Purchased with these funds doses should be sufficient to conduct activities in the foci of the disease. This was announced by the head of Department of food safety and veterinary of the Main Department of Demirtzoglou in Vinnytsia oblast Vladimir Pavlusek. "this Year there is a problem is weak, the provision of funding for anti-epizootic measures, but we get out of this situation, thanks to last year's inventory. Besides, at session of regional Council the purchase of vaccines against rabies has allocated 200 thousand UAH from the regional budget. Soon it will be delivered in the region and each district will be provided with the amount, which is enough to conduct activities in the foci of the disease. Prevention of the disease dose not become" said Mr Pavlusek. In 2016 held 802 research on biological materials, the results of which revealed 91 positive for rabies. "the permanent control is the issue of prevention and control of rabies and the animals. In 2016 held 802 research on biological materials, the results of which revealed 91 positive for rabies, which is 20 more than the same period last year. Due to the lack of vaccines vaccinated against rabies only 42,3 thousand dogs and cats 22.5 thousand"? said Mr Pavlusek. This was reported in the Vinnytsia regional state administration

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