Chernigov: changes in the list of addresses for the arrangement of children's playgrounds in 2016
Yesterday, August 11, at the plenary meeting of the tenth session of the Chernihiv city Council 7 convocation deputies approved amendments to its previous decision "On the restoration of children playgrounds and sports grounds for 2016-2017" The program provides for installation throughout the city of Chernihiv for this summer 14 children and 15 sports grounds. Program objectives - the development of the sphere of physical culture, sports and creation of conditions for safe, comfortable and varied holiday children. Adopted at that session, the changes relate to addresses where the setting of several of these objects. 'Adjusted for the proposals of the deputies of the city Council, which in their districts studied, where such facilities are most needed. So, the address is: Between houses ¹ 8A and # 4B on the street Elevator is replaced by "St. Elevatornaya, 1 (area near the "LIBOR"); - vul. Ivan Mazepa, 36 (in the territory of the school ¹ 6) is replaced by vul. Starobelousskaya, 47; - vul. Note 35 to replace the vul. Zankovetska, 28 Between the street and the street. Nina Sagaydak (Bobrovytsya) replaced by vul. 50 years of Victory (Bobrovytsya) - vul. Textile (opposite the Chernihiv city hospital ¹ 4) is replaced by vul. Textile (green area next to the school ¹ 34) According to the head of housing and utilities of Chernihiv city Council Yaroslav Kuts announced that all platforms will be installed by September 15, and sports until September 10. A list of addresses for the arrangement of children's playgrounds in 2016. (red highlighted already has courts) A list of addresses for the arrangement of playgrounds in 2016. (red highlighted already has courts) The press service of the Chernihiv city CouncilÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":