On Independence Day in Ternopil concert "Lamentations" and the winners of the Eastern European championship Aquabike
24 August, the independence Day of Ukraine in Ternopil will take place many cultural events. At 14.30 in the Museum of Palit's prisoners will be a concert for veterans of the liberation struggle for the Independence of Ukraine and soldiers-participants of ATO, and at 16.00 hour. in the Palace Movie - Prem’stairs showing of the TV show INTV “Those who believe in Ukraine». In the evening, the winners of the Eastern European championship Aquabike, on the embankment of the pond will be a concert. Next we have Andrew Pidluzhny and Vladimir Trach. Special guest – group "Lamentations". At 22.00 on the island "Seagull" will start a youth party under the open sky. August 24, 2016 (Wednesday) ¹p/p The name of the event The time of the Location 1 A winning lottery ticket from Ternopil city organization of red cross society During the day Park them. Shevchenko 2 Exhibition of fine and decorative-applied art dedicated to the independence Day and city Day 15.00 Sagaydachnogo St., 13 the Gallery 3 “market Street” the Festival of healthy food from 10.00 to 23.00 Park Of T. Shevchenko 4 Sports-entertainment holiday - the quest “city Beautiful”; - the contest of drawings on asphalt Ternopil sports”; - dance; - sports events and competitions 14.00-18.30 Theatrical independence 5 Military-Patriotic gathering. Demonstrations SBI “Sokol”. Laying flowers at the monument ' monument to the fighters for Ukraine's Independence. Melter demonstrations of the National Guard of Ukraine and schools of knife fighting "Wild pitch" 14.00 Theatrical independence 6 “Songs of the Ukrainian victories”. Concert for veterans of the liberation struggle for the Independence of Ukraine and soldiers-participants of ATO 14.30 The courtyard of the Ternopil regional Museum polit's prisoners and the repressed 7 "the Monument’yatai its history”. A visit to the Museum of Palit's prisoners and the repressed 15.00 Ternopil regional Museum of Palit's prisoners and the repressed 8 Prem’stairs showing of the TV show INTV “Those who believe in Ukraine» 16.00 Palace Cinema 9 The closing ceremony of the Eastern European championship Aquabike 18.00 Embankment pond 10 “Wake Up, the Sun” Concert performances of Andrew Pelinovo and Vladimir Trace” 19.00 Embankment pond 11 Concert "Lamentations" 19.30 Embankment pond 12 Presentation of the CD of the group «NÀMELÅSS” “Better for a quarter-century” 21.00 Embankment pond 13 “the Peers of Independence” Gala concert on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of independence and the founding of the group «NÀMELÅSS» (n. Ternopil) with the participation of groups “Tik Tu" (Ternopil), “the Ones that fall up" (n. Ternopil), " Lemko Bluegrassband" (B. lions) and the group «Naples» (n. Ternopil) 21.15 Embankment pond 14 A youth party under the open sky with the participation of the best DJs of Ukraine 22.00 Park Of Taras Shevchenko. island "Seagull" This was reported in the Ternopil city CouncilÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê": translate.yandex.ru.
Source: http://uzinform.com.ua/