Chernigov: Appointment to teaching positions in educational institutions of the city this year were carried out on a competitive basis
of Appointment to teaching positions in educational institutions by new academic year was held on a competitive basis. This set of teaching personnel provides employment opportunities in the city schools most qualified professionals with an appropriate level of training. This was informed at the enlarged city meeting the head of Department of education of the city Council Vasily Bloguri. In the opinion of the superintendent of schools, the selection process is a significant step towards stabilization of personnel policy and ensures transparency and objectivity in the appointments. Competitive selection on replacement of vacant posts of teachers took place from 16 to 18 August this year. Just to participate in the replacement of 40 vacant posts in the Department of education received 118 applications. Applicants for employment: "primary school teacher", "teacher", "math teacher", "teacher", "educator of extended-day groups," "teacher of Ukrainian language", on 16 August passed the written test. For applicants for the post of "English teacher" August 18, arranged testing in the specialty. 17 – 18 August, all applicants who successfully made a written test (7-12 points), had interview with the Directors of institutions where there were vacancies. Before the competitive process was engaged by the Methodist of the scientific-methodical center, the best teachers-Methodists of city schools, teachers of higher educational institutions. So, according to the Department of education of the city Council, at the beginning of the new academic year educational institutions of the city staffed with teachers. The press service of the Chernihiv city CouncilÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":