In the framework of the sustainable energy Days in Chernihiv held a seminar on the theme "Implementation of energy efficient measures in residential buildings"
September 5 in Chernihiv held a seminar on the theme "Implementation of energy efficient measures in residential buildings". The seminar was held within the framework of the sustainable energy Days in Chernihiv made in accordance with the European initiative "Covenant of mayors". The event was held with the support of USAID Project "Municipal energy reform in Ukraine". Participation in the seminar took representatives of the utilities of Chernihiv city Council, representatives of the banking sector of JSC "Sberbank" and JSC "UkrGasBank", the company "Rehau", "Henkel Bautechnik" and "SENPAI", the Chairman of osmd "Charm".Lviv, Chairman of the Board of the condominium m. Chernigov, residents and consultants of the USAID project "Municipal energy reform in Ukraine". During the seminar the participants discussed questions, concerning the practical steps of condominiums to reduce the cost of implementing energy efficiency measures under the program of saee. In particular: the use of modern technologies (equipment) when carrying out works on warming of houses. The participants also acquainted with the state and city program of warming of houses in Ukraine and conditions of Bank lending of measures for thermal insulation of buildings, including condominiums. During the event, representatives of condominiums podelilsa their experiences of using loans on winterizing their homes. All participants received competent answers to topical issues of implementation of energy efficiency measures, professional advice and information material for more detailed study. As a reminder, from 1 to 9 September in Chernihiv held the European Sustainable Energy Week. For this reason there have been many themed events for children of all ages: tours of high school students on electricity and other enterprises, quest, brain ring quiz, drawing competition on asphalt "Save the nature". Also during the month before the start of the sustainable energy Days, held competitions for the best logo of the sustainable energy Days in Chernihiv and the best photo-painting on the theme "a Striking example of energy efficiency". September in the Alley of Heroes, an exhibition of energy efficient equipment and technologies exhibition and test drive of electric vehicles. Reference: More information about the possibility to receive compensation under credits of natural persons and legal entities can obtain: Chernihiv oblast Directorate of JSC "Ukrgasbank" — (0462) 603-252, 603-288; Chernihiv regional administration of JSC "Oschadbank" — (0462) 675-148 (for condominiums), (0462) 774-323 (for individuals). In the Chernigov city Council approved a number of programmes to promote the creation and development of associations of condominiums in the city of Chernihiv. Support to creation of condominiums and support of houses of osmd and ZHSK in 2016-2018 The program is scheduled over 25.5 million hryvnias on the implementation of the Program. The vast majority of these funds (23.7 million) is provided for carrying out capital repairs of the housing stock of condominiums and HBC on the co-financing. According to the Program in carrying out such repairs 80% of the total cost of the work will be paid for by the city budget and 20% own and borrowed funds of condominiums (HCC). The Program also funded by the city budget, making technical documentation of buildings. On it for 3 years can be spent 1,8 million UAH. Program reimbursement loans received osmd, ZHSK on the implementation of energy efficiency measures in the housing stock of the city Chernigov for 2016-2019 Program reimbursement loans received osmd, ZHSK on the implementation of energy efficiency measures in the housing stock of the city of Chernihiv for the years 2016-2019 are provided 20.0 million UAH for repayment of 40% of the amount of the loan for the purchase of energy efficient equipment or materials necessary to perform energy efficiency measures in apartment houses. To get acquainted with the mechanism of creating condominiums and attraction of credit funds on the official web-portal of Chernihiv city Council (a separate section: "creating a condominium"). In particular, in the Management of housing and communal services of Chernihiv city Council to obtain advice on the establishment and activities of condominium (vul. Craft, 19 mon-Fri 9:00 – 17:00 tel. 4-43-01) Presentations and background nrmca: The adoption by the owners of the decision on carrying out of works and financing Henkel is an expert in termomodernizacja SEMPAL - Ultrasonic meters for heat and water The activities of AUSBB "Charm". Lions Best practices of energy efficiency Local program support condominiums Rehau - energy Efficient Windows: advantages and features Conditions of crediting of JSC "Ukrgasbank" Conditions of crediting of JSC "Oschadbank" The press service of the Chernihiv city Council.Ïåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":