As will be autumn conscription for military service in the Zhytomyr region

As will be autumn conscription for military service in the Zhytomyr region, continues to sign contracts for service in the armed forces and what tasks put before the members of draft boards – on this September 14, said on the instructional and methodical camp in Zhitomir regional military Commissariat. The meeting was attended by representatives of all cities and districts of the region who organize and carry out the conscription for military service. The Chairman of the regional draft Committee, Deputy Chairman of regional state administration Yaroslav Laguta said that in the spring of 2016 for military service in the armed forces and other military formations were sent by 656 people. On the regional and city conscription commissions organize and conduct the preparatory activities of the autumn conscription, which runs during October-November 2016. In particular, pass preliminary medical examination, examination and study of recruits. From October 1 to November 30 call the Commission have taken appropriate decision in relation to 21 thousand people: the call for military service, exemption from military service, deferment from conscription, the direction to appropriate law enforcement bodies materials about conscripts who evade conscription. Regional military Commissar Yuri Kolesnichenko stressed that military conscripts are not sent to zone anti-terrorist operation there to protect the independence of Ukraine the soldiers of contract service. The participants discussed problematic issues in the organization of the call, during the medical commissions. This was reported in the Zhytomyr regional state administration

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