The eleventh session of the Chernihiv city Council of the seventh convocation will be held on 29 September 2016
in Accordance with paragraph 8 of part four of article 42 of the law of Ukraine "About local government in Ukraine" Chernihiv city Chairman Vladislav Atroshenko issued a decree "On the convening of the eleventh session of the Chernihiv city Council of the seventh convocation". The plenary meeting will start on 29 September 2016 at 10 a.m. in the conference room of the city Council (the city of Chernigiv, vul. Magistrates, 7). To the session entered issues: 1. About the Program of compensation for preferential transportation of separate categories of citizens in the railway transportation of the suburban message for 2016. 2. On amendments to decision of the municipal Council dated 29 November 2013 "On the Program of providing one-time financial assistance to residents of the city of Chernihiv for 2014-2018" (35 session of the 6th convocation) with changes and additions (44 session 45 session 51 session, 53 session of the 6th convocation). 3. About the program of crime prevention in the city of Chernihiv for 2016-2017. 4. About modification and additions in the Method of calculation and order of payment for the lease of municipal property of a territorial bulk of the city Chernigov (19th session of the 5th convocation) with modifications (27 session of the 5th convocation, session 9, 14 session 22 session, 32 session, 45ñåñ³ÿ of the 6th convocation, 6 session of the 7 convocation. 5. On giving consent on bezoplatny transfer to the municipal property of a territorial community of the city of Chernihiv of housing facilities, social infrastructure and landscaping. 6. On amendments to the List of objects of communal property of territorial community of Chernigov. 7. On amendments to the Program of development of land relations on the territory of Chernihiv in 2013 – 2016. 8. About modification and additions in the decision of the Chernihiv city Council on September 26, 2014 "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure of attracting and establishing the size of equity participation (contribution) of individuals and legal entities in the creation and development of engineering-transport and social infrastructure of the city of Chernihiv" (44 session of the 6th convocation). 9. About providing permission to development of the project a Detailed plan of the apartment buildings on the street again and again (the territory of the former Kombinat KHLEBOPRODUKTOV). 10. About entering of additions into the Plan of activities of the Chernihiv city Council on the preparation of projects of regulations for 2016. 11. On amendments to the decision of city Council No. 9/VII-11 dated June 30, 2016 “On granting consent for the demolition of buildings and structures”. 12. About modification and additions in the decision of the city Council from December 28, 2015 No. 2/VII-9 “the structure of Executive bodies of city Council”. 13. On the implementation of the borrowing to the city budget of the city of Chernihiv by raising loan from NEFCO. 14. Approval of the Program of implementation of additional measures of mobilization of funds from the municipal budget of the city of Chernihiv for 2016-2018. 15. About modification and additions in the decision of the city Council from December 28, 2015 No. 2/VII-6 “On the city budget for 2016” with amendments and additions (No. 3/VII-12, No. 4/VII-14, No. 6/VII-24, No. 7/VII-18, No. 9/VII-12, No. 9/VII-12, No. 10/VII-17). 16. On granting permits for development of land management projects concerning allocation of land plots to citizens, the families of the deceased, the deceased members of the ATO, for the conduct of the individual gardening. 17. On granting permits for development of land management projects regarding allotment of land, the technical documentation on land management regarding the establishment (restoration) of boundaries of land in kind (on location) to citizens for construction and maintenance of residential homes, outbuildings and structures (subsidiary plot), gardening and the construction of individual garages. 18. Approval of land management projects concerning allocation of land plots, technical documentation on land management, the transfer of land ownership and leases, extension of leases to citizens for construction and maintenance of residential homes, outbuildings and structures (subsidiary plot), gardening, maintenance garages and gardening. 19. About renewal of lease contracts of land plots to legal entities and individuals. 20. Approval of land management projects concerning allocation of land plots, technical documentation on land management, provision, exclusion and transfer of land plots to legal entities and individuals. 21. On granting permits for development of land management projects regarding allotment of land, the technical documentation on land management to legal and physical persons. 22. On parliamentary inquiries. 23. Different. Schedule of meetings of the standing committees of the city Council.Ïåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":