Vinnicchina: "human trafficking is a gross violation of human rights" (photos)

Under this title on October 17 at the Department for legal information of the Vinnytsia regional universal scientific library im. K. A. Timiryazev, a meeting of the Youth lecture series "justice" . The event was attended by Lyudmila Klimenko, a police major of the Main Directorate of the National police in the Vinnitsa region, which familiarized students of Vinnytsya agrarian University, faculty of management and law (lecturer Tabenska O. I.) peculiarities of the phenomenon of trafficking and the methods of countering it, as well as performed analysis of crimes in this sphere that took place in the region. The participants watched excerpts from the film "Life for sale" (2013, Director. Yakovenko) and got acquainted with the book exhibition "human trafficking in Ukraine – the reasons for existence and ways of counteraction. This was reported in the Vinnytsia regional state administration

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