Vinnicchina: in the field, a number of inspections of food establishments to prevent the spread of surrogate alcohol and acute infectious diseases (photo)
24 October a meeting of the regional Commission on questions tekhnogenno-ecological safety and emergency situations on prevention of the spread of infectious diseases, including salmonellosis, influenza, and the prevention of implementation of substitute vodka. Opening the meeting first Deputy Chairman of regional state administration Andriy Gyzhko noted that given recent developments with the spread of African swine fever in neighbouring Khmelnytskyi region and poisoning people with a fatal outcome surrogate vodka today's event has become urgent. "The task of our Commission is to make tough decisions that will provide an opportunity to undertake a number of activities, including appropriate checks institutions trade and life, to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, and institutions to prevent substitute vodka", - said Andrey Geico. He also noted that thanks to the coordinated actions of all structures involved in the. TNS failed to prevent the penetration of African swine fever on the territory of our region, as was immediately made certain quarantine measures, including disinflate of vehicles on the roads between the Vinnytsia and Khmelnytskyi region. Andrew Gyzhko again stressed that infected pork is not dangerous to humans, but dangerous for the animals themselves so ill in them a fever and they die. In turn, the chief of head Department of gossanepidsluzhby in the Vinnytsia region, Alexander Sorochan, the report noted that since the beginning of this year was 6 cases of acute infectious diseases in which affected 67 people. Most flash - household. He also stressed that the regional and district commissions should in this quarter be sure to inspect the institutions which organize mass activities, there are restaurants and cafes. It is especially necessary to provide inspection of food service establishments that operate not continuously but only under the order. After the meeting the first Deputy Chairman of regional state administration gave the corresponding instructions, and the Commission adopted the relevant decision. This was reported in the Vinnytsia regional state administrationÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":