In the field passes and staff training with the management Vinnytsia territorial subsystem unified state system of civil protection (photo)
According to the plan of main activities of civil protection region for 2016, approved by the order of Chairman of regional state administration from April 21, 2016 No. 263, October 25, conducted staff training with the management Vinnytsia territorial subsystem unified state system of civil protection on the theme “Actions of management bodies of the regional subsystem of the unified state system of civil protection in the difficult conditions of the autumn-winter period”. The purpose of the training: improving the skills of the governing bodies of the regional territorial subsystem of the unified state system of civil protection in the difficult conditions of the autumn-winter period, verification of readiness of forces and means, working out of necessary documents. To participate in the exercise are involved: The Department of civil protection of the regional state administration; representatives of the regional specialized services of civil protection, enterprises, institutions and organizations are part of services CL. When undertaking staff training set tasks: 1. To clarify the plans for emergency response and composition of the civil protection forces of the region are involved in the execution of rescue and other urgent works in case of occurrence of emergency situations of technogenic and natural character associated with energy shortages during winter. 2. To clarify scheme alert and order alert authorities, civil protection entities of the population about threat or occurrence of emergencies and further information in the field of civil protection. 3. To improve the practical skills of officers and officials of Department of civil protection region for the organization of work in emergency situations of technogenic and natural character in difficult weather conditions in the winter period. The issues on which attention was focused in preparation for the autumn-winter period: 1. Creation of necessary stocks of fuel and lubricants and spreading material for sustainable road transport on the roads of the region; 2. Software: - emergency auxiliary power supply of health facilities, objects of social sphere, heat and water supply and sanitation sector; - operational-dispatching services and emergency crews needed property staffing; - full implementation of the plan of measures on preparation of enterprises of housing and communal services, fuel and energy complex and social facilities of the region to work in conditions of autumn-winter period 2016-2017. According to the results of staff training will be the hearing officers of the regional specialized services of civil protection with the used documents (evaluation of the situation, the calculations of the decision of the Chairman of regional state administration for elimination of emergency situations). This was reported in the Vinnytsia regional state administrationÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":