Ternopil road workers repairing the road for the lions

Ternopil To Lviv direction was always a priority, but the funding that was previous years is not enough for large-scale repair work. From the same neighboring region situation, as the drivers themselves say, generally catastrophic. And now, it seems that our road builders managed to move the stone from the dead — the repair of the highway Lviv — Ternopil and Ternopil-Brody included in the Budget. "At the beginning of October to repair the roads in this area is allocated 150 million UAH. — told the chief of service of highways in the Ternopil oblast Bohdan Yulik. — In General, we will make 15 km of the highway Lviv — Ternopil and 7 km of the road Kyiv — Brody. On the road Lviv — Ternopil, before the end of this week dorozhniki plan to finish a five-kilometer area from the border region to Zborov. Further repair team with a powerful technique will continue to work near and in the village lake. After a few sections in the direction of Ternopil, which require complete replacement of the pavement. On the road Ternopil — Brody, the road also started to work from border of our region in the direction of Ternopil, continuing the milling of the road surface. As told Bogdan Ivanovich - "Each week do local areas for two kilometers, in the event of deteriorating weather conditions, do not leave for a long time a large part of the road without coverage. In General, for the completion of all work we need about six lovely weeks." Custom road Service in Ternopil region has powerful organization OOO "TEKHNO-Bud-Tsentr". For works fixed two cutters, two pavers and the required number of ice rinks. In addition to the main part of the road repairs will also be made earthworks, the application of new markings and installation of traffic signs. All these planned large-scale work, need a few more nice weeks. "Unfortunately, money, as always, I come late and time for their absorption is very small, but we were ready for this situation in advance, at the beginning of the summer, had all of the tender procedure. Although now someone is trying to accuse us of that, well, we did it to avoid a system of "Transparent" that is valid from Aug. And really we just wanted to quickly implement all necessary procedures and time to start to repair. And now the Cabinet has allocated money only on those areas where were all completed tender procedure and signed the necessary agreements," - said Bogdan Yulik. By the way, the road from Lviv, the parties also begin to repair, although their situation is complicated by the fact that the volume of repair work on their territory much more. According to the materials of road Service in Ternopil region This was reported in the Ternopil regional state administration

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Source: http://uzinform.com.ua/

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