Valery Cow took part in the solemn meeting on the occasion of the 2nd anniversary of moving to the city of Vinnytsia Donetsk National University.In.Stus (photo)
Chairman of the regional state administration Valery Cow congratulated teachers and students of Donna name of Vasyl Stus on the second anniversary of stay on the territory of Podolsk. In the solemn meeting was attended by Ambassador extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Belgium to Ukraine Luc Jacobs, Professor, Minister of education and science of Ukraine (2014-2016) Serhiy Kvit, Minister of economic development and trade of Ukraine (2014) Pavlo Sheremeta, Chairman of the Vinnytsia regional Council Anatoliy Oliynyk, rector of Donetsk National University. V. Stus Roman Grinyuk, teachers, students, and media representatives. In his welcoming speech to the participants of the event Valery Cow said: "It was a difficult but very effective two years. Remember October-November 2014, when the authorities ' attention was focused on mobilization, a difficult situation at the front, but despite this we have a very positive view of the idea of place and to assist with the Donetsk National University. Problems arise a lot, but for us it was fundamentally important that teachers and students feel comfortable in our city. I want to note that faculty Donna has made a very significant and positive flavor into the scientific sphere Vinnitsa. We moved to a highly professional, Patriotic people who strive to move forward and it instills great optimism." The Chairman of regional state administration thanked the University staff for their successful efforts , including the development of the region and wished for peace and God's blessings. In turn, Ambassador extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of Belgium to Ukraine Luc Jacobs assured that Donna is a model not only for Ukraine but also for Europe: "I will look for ways to link the universities of Belgium with you. It is symbolic that we have gathered in the former factory building "Crystal", because the town of Antwerp in Belgium, my home country is one of the world centers of diamond trade. And one of the companies a few decades ago founded their production in Donbass",– said the Ambassador. Sincere congratulations to the distinguished guests seamlessly intertwined stories of teachers about the 80-year history of the University, as well as highly Patriotic numbers, prepared by students and graduates of the University. Serhiy Kvit recalled meeting with the team of Donna, who has just moved to Vinnytsia: "It was an amazing experience, which began as a kind of "special operation": there was no similar experience in the evacuation and had to do a lot of administrative steps to coordinate sensitive issues with the Treasury for the payment of salaries and scholarships, accreditation, licensing status and so on. On your experience we studied. Today, moved 16 universities (15 of Donbass and 1 – from Crimea) and 10 academic institutions. But you were the first and remain the best," said Professor Serhiy Kvit. His memories of the difficult decision regarding relocation of the University with the DNR in Vinnytsia in 2014 and plans for the near future shared by the rector of Donetsk National University. V. Stus Roman Grinyuk. "These days, it's been two years since we have been following the tragic events in Eastern Ukraine, resumed its work on the territory of Podolsk. During these two years, our University family has taken a lot of testing. Our achievement is significant and momentous, and the future plans are quite ambitious. Our success is evidenced by a high position in national and international rankings, the trust of students, society and partners. Thanks to everyone who is not broken and believe, who does not stop is worthy of the chosen path. Joint efforts and their tireless work, we adopt Stusco status of the University as a classical research University, competitive at national and world levels!",- said Roman Grinyuk. After the ceremony, students, guests and teachers joined the fun of the events dedicated to the 2nd anniversary of Donna them. Vasyl Stus in Vinnytsia oblast. This was reported in the Vinnytsia regional state administrationÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":