Convicted employee Rivne SIZO,which he received as undue advantage of the smartphone

Agreeing with the position of the Prosecutor of the Rivne city court convicted the employee of the Rivne remand prison Department of the state penitentiary service of Ukraine in Rivne region in the Commission of crimes of corruption. At the stage of pre-trial investigation the Prosecutor concluded with the suspect agreement on recognition of guilt of a criminal offense under part 1 St. 368 criminal code of Ukraine (receiving improper benefits). It is proved that the inspector of prison in October 2016, received from citizen cash and a smartphone for the transfer of the two prisoners prohibited items – namely mobile phones. According to the court verdict from 11.11.2016 approved the agreement on recognition of guilt, a jail employee found guilty of incriminated crimes and he was sentenced to a fine in the amount of 1100 tax-free minimum incomes of citizens (i.e., 18 700 UAH), with disqualification to hold positions in law enforcement for a period of 2 years. The press service of the Prosecutor of the Rivne region Tweet

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