Chernihiv city Council approved the Program of support of small and average business in the city of Chernihiv for 2017-2020 years
the Deputies of Chernihiv city Council in the amount of 40 votes approved the Program of support of small and average business in the city of Chernihiv for 2017-2020. The main developer, the Manager of funds and the execution of the Programme is the management of economic development of the city. The draft Programme was discussed and agreement with public associations of entrepreneurs and representatives of a DePuy corps of city Council in preparation of the city development Strategy up to 2020. In the development of the entrepreneurship Programme took an active part representatives of the Chernigov trade Union of businessmen "Unity", Chernihiv chamber of Commerce, Chernihiv city League of business and professional women of structural subdivisions of city Council, city employment center, Center of small and average business of the public organization "the Shining Sivershchyna", etc. Their suggestions and comments included in the Program. Priority directions of development of small and medium enterprises for the years 2017-2020 are determined: - improving the quality of service of business entities from the structural subdivisions of city Council through the implementation of E - governance; - promotion of local producers on domestic and foreign markets; - the deepening of dialogue between the employers and the local Council. The Programme provides for the improvement of the delivery of administrative services and implementation of regulatory policy, streamlining modalities of the business, promote local business resource and information support, improvement of infrastructure of entrepreneurship support, involvement in self-employment for socially vulnerable segments of the population, the promotion of local producers. The funding Program will be funded from the city budget taking into account the available financial resources, means of subcontractors activities, international technical assistance (grants) and other funding sources not prohibited by current legislation. The total cost of the Program activities is 6175,0 thousand UAH, among which 1540,0 thousand UAH - in 2017. It is planned to implement educational programs for entrepreneurs, the socially vulnerable segments of the population, to promote local producers in foreign countries to study the experience of the entrepreneurship infrastructure development, to organize exhibitions and fairs. The programme aims to strengthen the urban infrastructure to support entrepreneurship, create favorable conditions for development of small and medium-sized businesses, to adapt it to work in the new standards and competition in accordance with the requirements of the Association Agreement with the European Union, to improve economic indicators of city development, to achieve sustainable development of a middle class city residents. The direction and activities of the Programme can be adjusted in the period taking into account the socio-economic situation in the city, changes in the legislation and the volume of attracted financial resources. If necessary, the office of economic development performs a redistribution of volumes of means of the city budget among the individual activities of the Programme. Reference: According to the Department of Economics of the city Council, the share of small and medium enterprises in the total number of enterprises in the city is 99.9 %. The number of economically active small enterprises per 10 thousand persons of present population as of 1 January 2016 is 91 units (the average for the region, the figure is 54 units). Respectively medium-sized enterprises – 4 units (average of 3 units). The number of small enterprises according to statistics, in 2015 increased by 1.2 % (32 units) and was at the beginning of this year 2677 units, and the number of averages decreased by 7 % and is respectively 121 unit. The most mobile sector of small entrepreneurship are individual entrepreneurs who quickly react to socio-economic fluctuations. Dynamics of the number of economically active natural persons – entrepreneurs evidence of the deterioration of conditions for developing micro-business, because for the third year in a row, their number tends to decrease. This is due to the fact that the lion's share of these business entities engaged in retail trade, the volume of which in comparable prices also decrease in 2014 due to the decline in the purchasing power of the population. According Chernihiv United State tax Inspectorate since the beginning of 2016 the number of active natural persons - entrepreneurs as of the current year decreased by 1.2% and is 15278. The number of registered FLP during the year increased by 1% and is 16253 face. This situation shows the willingness of citizens to entrepreneurship, however, the socio-economic obstacles lead to the suspension of their economic activities. There is also a trend of reduction of employees in physical persons – entrepreneurs. So, in 2016, their number has decreased to 3233 with 3744 people, which is 13.6 %. Most often the employees deliberately moving into the informal sector to obtain subsidies for utilities, and physical persons - entrepreneurs so minimize your obligatory tax payments. As a result, in 2016 the total number of employees in small and medium enterprises decreased by 1.3%. As 01.07.2016 of the year in the sphere of small and medium-sized businesses employ 55,9 thousand people, accounting for 26.9% of the working age population (15-64 years). However, the tax reform gave an opportunity to increase revenues by 16 %. So, we began to receive payments for excise tax from sale of tobacco products, alcoholic beverages and fuels and lubricants. Dramatically increased revenue of the real estate tax, payment for land. At the end of 6 months of the year 2016 revenues to the local budget from activity of subjects of small business made 134,7 million (27.8 percent of all revenues), and from the activities of medium-sized enterprises – 77,1 million (15.9% of all revenues). The press service of the Chernihiv city Council.Ïåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":