What to do when back hurts?

Pain in back, aches, bad posture - very few people can boast a 100 % healthy back. Why back pain? This is what we tell Pedachenko, Alexander O. - consultant kinesitherapy, member of the center «Healthy Movement": .

You have to admit that all my life to ignore back pain will fail. Can certainly try, but it is better to look for those who already did and now (in her old age) is suffering from sciatica, lumbago and namuchi limbs. Back pain is the beginning of the disease, which can Thriller shoot - they are dynamic.


18 years

You study hard - literally bend back over the books and laptop. In times of especially sad seat the poor guy starts to whine. But in between the pairs and trips to the library you run, swim, go to dance - so posture maintains the relative plasticity (i.e., returns to “exactly”). Strained muscles are regularly relaxed, the silhouette straightened, and life is good.


25 years

You perebiraetsya of the Institute audience in the office, where it is necessary to build a career. All day. Back again no luck - she bends over infinite reports, and now poor muscle forced most of the time to keep the spine in an unnatural position. From this arise the muscular blocks (when a tense muscle is voluntarily relaxed already), and the case is ready to remind myself.

Periodically surfacing from the pool of career, you think about maintaining the shape - a couple of times a week (at best) do fitness. But your (sedentary) lifestyle such loads muscles enough. They need more to shrink and (more importantly) relax to the smooth pump power to the spine. Without “food” thinning of the intervertebral disks: before the doctors called this process low back pain now - degenerative changes in the spine. Due to the fact that the discs weaken and become thinner, posture is ready to lock - in the form in which you sit at a computer.


30 years

You finally decide to get serious about their health, one of the points of the straightening of the back. But life makes its own adjustments to these plans - for example, you watns. And here already the belly pulls the lower back forward, and muscles become similar to high voltage wires. After birth, the spine would be happy to stand in place and stretch the body, but muscle blocks firmly hold it in a curved condition. Now it's your posture resembles the letter S - with preproga in the lower back (thank you pregnancy) and a hump in the thoracic spine (thanks to computer). The vertebrae “convenient” lying at an angle to each other and uneven pressure on the discs - and those, respectively, are erased too uneven.


45 years

You're in shock from the fact that you, a young and spectacular woman, had a backache in the lower back (seemingly only raised the grandson of a friend). What the hell? Can understand for a visual example. Draw on paper the letter V and turn the sheet 90 degrees. Imagine that this angle is located the vertebrae in a curved spine. Between them the intervertebral disc. With one hand he squeezed (and see that you have already often hurts), and with another - it is completely free. What is he doing? Leaves where clear and spacious - it's called "protrusion". And the drive to not care that wherever he went, can be the nerve endings - it puts pressure on them - you yell and demand the pain killers, physician and justice. Have every right: this is not the usual dull pain, and burning in hell.


60 years

Nmoc fingers, back pain, heaviness in the whole body and the other delights of degenerative disc disease become for you norm. And you dream only about how to the protrusion at least did not turn into a hernia, because the hernia worse. In this case, intervertebral disc bursts, it implies internal gel content (purposea -), and presses the fluid on nerve endings, this in turn can lead to paralysis. Weak consolation - even a nightmare still possible to correct through massage, exercise, chiropractic and physiotherapy. But if part of the gel flowed out, solidified and broke off (this hernia is silvestrovna), this is an indication for surgery. That is sailed...

As you can see, our gloomy prediction does not have to be. At any stage you can expand the process into reverse - and the sooner you do it, the more chances of success.


Ïåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê": translate.yandex.ru.

Source: http://uzinform.com.ua/