In the Museum of the prosecution of Rivne region for the students of classes-tour
the Museum of the history of the Prosecutor's office of Rivne region 9.12.2016, visited the students of the Rivne state base medical College. For them, the Chairman of the Council of veterans of war and work of the Prosecutor's office of Rivne region, senior counselor of justice Alexander Kotelevsky and lecturer in law mentioned educational institutions Marina Selbu held a public lesson-a tour of the history and activities of the Prosecutor's office on the territory of our region from the 18th century to the present. Students heard from lawyers in the history of the profession of Prosecutor, the creation of offices of public Prosecutor on the territory of our region, and also about the people working in it, the interesting case, which had to investigate the investigators in our region. Special attention was given to prosecutors - participants of the great Patriotic war, as well as those who died in the line of duty. From the Windows of the Museum visitors know that the prosecutors and scientists, writers, athletes. The future physicians familiarized themselves with the historical documents about the creation of the Prosecutor's office, normative legal acts, codes of different times of its activities, including the pre-war period, procedural documents, in particular, regulations on the appointment of forensic-medical examinations, personal documents prosecutors, samples of uniforms from different years, badges, service awards, old photos, items of forensic technology and other exhibits. The press service of the Prosecutor of the Rivne region TweetÏåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê":