History of soccer balls Select
Brand Select was founded in 1947 by Dane Eidilon (in some translations - Agila) Nielsen, who was the goalkeeper of the football team of Denmark and defended the honor of his country not one in a dozen matches, and that's not to mention the 100-Nyah club matches. He, like anyone else, knew how uncomfortable and heavy for the game of football was a ball of skin with external lace-up closure.
E. Nielsen decided to create the perfect soccer ball brought, and this, in turn, became the source of creating his own company. The former goalkeeper helped his rich professional experience: in those days he also worked as a shoemaker, as the salaries of the players in the post-war years was far from enormous fees our days. 1st of groundwork that has enabled Aidila to make our own company successful – has been masking the last seam to the inside of the ball.
In the late 40-ies of the E. Nielsen creates a prototype soccer ball Select – it was a ball with a built-in valve and no lacing. The product was perfectly round, and his trajectory and balance were significantly improved. In turn, the lack of lacing allowed the players to play without fear. It was a real revolution: as a result, since 1951, have started to apply the Danish national team in football. In those days, all the soccer balls, without exception, shared of eight pieces of leather. A little later their production has begun to apply the 18-th oblong segments.
In 1962 the company Select made 1 well the revolution: it was created by 32-section ball, which in turn has become 1 of the most significant inventions in professional football.
In 1974, the firm Select departs from the application of skin: then, a model of a ball made of polyurethane that was sewn by hand. After some time this material becomes more popular than the skin, due to the improved characteristics of the ball made from it. To date, all the manufacturers of balls use polyurethane.
Today, the company Select is a leader in the manufacture of professional footballs. The specialists of this TM as before rely on new technology: the company has a personal development centre which owns a number of patents.
Ïåðåâåäåíî ñåðâèñîì "ßíäåêñ.Ïåðåâîä÷èê": translate.yandex.ru.
Source: http://uzinform.com.ua/